Friday 28 August 2009

There's no place like mums

I think the title says it all really, there absolutely is no place like mums place.

This week Lisa had to go to Darwin for work, leaving the dog and I at home by ourselves. Now normally the dog spends one day a week at mum and dads place, because mum insists on looking after her - mainly I think because we don't have any children yet, it's the closest thing to a grandchild from me she has.

Anyway, as soon as mum found out Lisa was away, she insisted that the dog and I come and stay there - and why wouldn't I?

Each morning I wake up to a cooked breakfast - not in bed, but I'm not complaining, and return to a cooked dinner.

It's not that I can't look after myself and the dog, I can, but truth be told I've never been very good cooking for one, mainly because it feels like too much effort to make anything decent if it's just me - although the dog gets feed well.

Ah, yes this is the life, thanks mum, it's been a great week!


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