Tuesday 20 October 2009

Is it really 2009?

For whatever reason last night I was looking at marketing companies in my local area.

There were tonnes of them, in fact I was surprised at how many there actually were - fair enough if I'd been looking in the CBD, but in around me, there were still tonnes.

The only thing that out amazed me were the number of MARKETING companies that didn't have websites!

"A marketing website that doesn't have a name?" I hear you saying, "Get out of town, it can't be possible!" but it's true.

I won't name and shame them - although I could because they obviously don't use the interwebbie thing so they'd never be able to see to it, but one thing I did was wrong was...

As a marketing company that doesn't have a website, I think the following rules should apply;

  • Marketing companies without a website are not allowed to have the following words in their business name;
  • Better Results
  • Idea Generators
  • Creative
  • International
  • Enterprise
  • Concepts
  • Thinking
  • Results
  • and most of all MARKETING

Call me a snob, but if I was to employ the services of a marketing company, goodness, what message are they sending by snubbing the worlds most powerful marketing tool - the Internet!

Look I'm sure there are many back end marketers, and by that I mean they fill specific voids in the world of marketing, and they may never see the ultimate client, but work on behalf on behalf on behalf of the ultimate client, but I would have thought that if anyone should understand the principle that every company is a sales company, then why would they ignore to use something that ultimately will help their business grow - because as far as I see it you can never be too busy, and a company that isn't growing is dying.

Amazing, truly amazing.

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