Wednesday 25 May 2011

Power stations

I just watched a talk given by Shai Agassi on electric cars, and part of his vision was about petrol stations, obviously in an electric car we're not filling a petrol tank, and in his vision we're not even filling a power tank, so to speak, we're swapping and going - swap the dull battery for a fresh battery and keep going.

It's a reasonable suggestion, we already do exactly that with our gas tanks for BBQ's - I pop down to the local petrol station swap the tank over, pay a fee and come home.

And that got me thinking - there was a recent article about speech powered phone batteries, but really, by the time it's come to fruition it won't be required, or in the real world it will be clunky and probably lead to disappointment.

So what do we do??

Well, there are companies out there at the moment that, for a fee, have vending machines setup where you get charge your phone or mobile device and move on, but who has the time?

So in tandem with swapping the car battery/fuel cell over for a fresh one, why not swap the phone battery too, then you never have to worry - phone's flat, cool get a fresh battery and move on.

For iPhone users, sorry it probably won't work for you guys, the price of being cool huh?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great idea Chris. Think we'll have to wait for phone manufacturers to standardise batteries first.
