Tuesday, 2 December 2008

So what's new? Voice SMS (Part 1)

Hello Internet people out there, it's been some time since my last post, and mostly because I've been so flat out with things that I either forget to blog, or I'm too busy to even think about it.

So apologies for that.

So then what's been happening?

Quite a lot actually, since we last spoke about anything Esendex we have had a couple of new products introduced, like Voice SMS and Inbound MMS.

The Voice SMS is an interesting product - I'll be quite honest here, outside of people with sight impairments, I struggled to get an idea on what people would use the service for? However, it's been my own customers who have shown me the light.

One example is Copper Mines Tasmania, who use the service for emergency alerts - for example, if there was an incident on site at 2:00 am in the morning, they can send an alert out to those who need to be in the know - the beauty of the product is in both the ability to send a message to both LAN lines, and mobile phones alike, along with the fact that the service continues to ring the phone until it's picked up and receives something (i.e. hitting number 1 on the keypad to listen to the message) - well, it sends it again every 10 minutes there after for 10 times until it's answered.

Another example would be sending information, like a customer order, to a location where the only means of timely inbound communication might be a LAN line office phone from a central hub.

It's a product that is coming along and growing organically - I guess what I like about it is that to a point it's still growing and in its infancy in my opinion and is something that is still being shaped by our customers.

The other beauty, unlike the standard SMS, is that it's possible to see who has listened to the message or not

With the future ability to change and customise many aspects like the number the message originates from, the preamble and post amble of the message, variable speed and test playback to name a few.

I have no doubt though that as we get on, and continue to take our customers feedback that it will develop into a truly powerful tool...

1 comment:

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